Insights from the Hartford Symphony Orchestra Demographic Report

The Hartford Symphony Orchestra (HSO) recently participated in the League of American Orchestra’s (LAO) Demographics Survey along with 16 orchestras in LAO Group 3 (i.e., orchestras with annual expenses between $3.5 and $7M). We’re pleased to announce that the comprehensive report analyzing demographic data across various levels of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra (HSO), as well as other symphonies of similar size (Group 3), and orchestras nationwide is now available online.

The report looks into the representation of musicians, administrative staff, board of directors, conductors, music directors, and top executives, revealing both consistencies and disparities in representation. While there is notable diversity in certain positions, white individuals predominantly occupy leadership roles at all levels. The findings also highlight gender disparities, with men generally outnumbering women in leadership roles.

These insights underscore the importance of ongoing efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within orchestral organizations. By ensuring that all voices are represented and empowered across all facets of leadership and decision-making, we can create a more inclusive and vibrant community within the orchestra.

You can access the full report online.

In addition, the LAO has launched its EDI Data Hub, a centralized online tool that provides easy access to their EDI research, offering updated trend analyses spanning the past decade, insights into how statistics have evolved, and ways orchestras can further support EDI initiatives.

Thank you for your continued support in our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Now available online:

The League of American Orchestras 2023 Impact Report highlights the transformative work undertaken on behalf of our esteemed Hartford Symphony Orchestra (HSO) and over 600 member orchestras nationwide. This report showcases impactful initiatives in advocacy, research, convenings and events, equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as learning and leadership. Explore the report here to discover inspiring stories and celebrate the collective efforts that enrich our orchestral community.